Legal Loans looks out for clients in every way
Applying for a loan isn’t all easy for everyone especially if they have a bad credit rating. However, every once in a while people need financial assistance and those denied by commercial banks usually find themselves standing outside in the rain. Legal Loans assists all people and offers a variety of services that ensure that their clients are always protected.
Having successfully assisted over 200 000 South Africans to find a suitable money lender and/or broker, makes Legal Loans one of the best in the money lending business. Their unique relationship with money lenders and brokers in South Africa and their steadfast compliance with the Consumer Protection Act help to make them one of the leading loan finder companies. Legal Loans uses advanced online privacy technology, ensuring that their clients’ information is safe and will never sell it to third parties.
Legal Loan’s professional stuff helps South Africans to find personal loans from R2 000 to R150 000. They also help clients with bad credit histories, judgements against their names, garnishee orders and defaults. Legal Loans does all the work while their clients sit back, relax and wait for the money to make its way to their accounts.
Other services offered by Legal Loans are the Legal and ID Assist Plan and Credit Crunch Report to help clients who find themselves in tricky legal situations or have had their identities stolen. Clients will also have access to their credit status from the three largest credit bureaus and a free loan finding service where they are matched with the best money lenders or brokers. Clients get all these services from Legal Loans for a once-off fee of R395 which lasts for two years.
Legal Loans can assist clients who are South African citizens, between the ages of 18 and 65 and have a steady monthly income. Clients must not be under debt restructuring program, review or administration, and must not have filed for bankruptcy or declared themselves insolvent. Clients can call Legal Loans on 021 815 4500 or apply on