Obtain an unsecured debt consolidation loan through Loan Finder SA
People sometimes take out too much credit, usually more than they can afford. This results in monthly repayments that leave them with next to nothing at the end of the month. An unsecured debt consolidation loan could be the answer to all their financial problems. Loan Finder SA acts as a middle man between their clients and money lenders in assisting their clients to obtain unsecured consolidation loans to relief themselves of any financial burdens.
Loan Finder SA offers a 3-in1 plan that consists of a 24-month Legal and ID Assist, credit report and free loan finding service at a once-off fee of R385. While the loan finding service is offered to clients upfront, the credit report is only obtainable upon completion of the application and the Legal and ID Assist service is activated once the fee has been paid. Clients have a seven-day cooling period in which they may cancel the service with Loan Finder SA, with the option to return whenever they wish.
Loan Finder SA, which has been around for only three years, processes more than 60 000 applications per year. Their database of reputable money lenders, who are in their own right leaders in the microfinance industry, ensures that clients are treated fairly throughout the application process. Clients’ personal information is also protected through Thawte, Loan Finder SA’s advanced online privacy technology which complies with the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.
The clients’ loan amount, interest rates and repayment periods – usually between 12 and 72 months – depends on the clients’ credit history as well as the money lender. Clients will know about the outcome of their application via SMS as soon as Loan Finder SA receives it. Loan Finder SA doesn’t perform any credit checks, however some money lenders might.
Loan Finder SA can only assist clients who are older than 18 years of age, who are South African citizens and earning a monthly income of at least R1 500 per month, with a South African bank account. Clients must submit a copy of ID, proof of residence and income and a three months’ bank statement. Clients who are under a debt restructuring programme or review or administration, filed for bankruptcy of declared insolvent can unfortunately not be assisted by Loan Finder SA.
Clients can apply for a loan at www.loanfindersa.co.za. For more information clients can e-mail customercare@loanfindersa.co.za or call 021 815 4600.