
kadima loans

Great micro lending deals from Kadima Loans

It’s vital for clients to approach the right institution for the type of loan they require when applying for finance. Kadima Loans has been doing business since 1994 and their years of experience make them one of the best in the micro lending industry. Their 160 countrywide branches cater for clients’ needs all over...

Loan Tycoon SA

Gain financial freedom through Loan Tycoon SA

Loan Tycoon SA - Life should not be worrying about debt and money but rather the enjoyment thereof. People find themselves in sticky situations once or twice where they need money but are unable to obtain a loan. This is usually because commercial banks will not lend them or they are blacklisted. Loan Tycoon...

Get a loan anytime using FNB revolving loan

Nothing beats being able to have cash at one’s disposal at any time especially if there is no long application processes required. Applying a loan is what people do when they are in a financial crisis and it is even better when having a loan that can be refinanced. This is exactly what happens...

legal loans

Legal Loans looks out for clients in every way

Applying for a loan isn’t all easy for everyone especially if they have a bad credit rating. However, every once in a while people need financial assistance and those denied by commercial banks usually find themselves standing outside in the rain. Legal Loans assists all people and offers a variety of services that ensure...

absa instant loan

Get an easy affordable Absa instant loan

People sometimes need money urgently without the hassle of paper work or long applications. An instant loan in this instance is ideal as the client will not pay any interest. Absa offers instant loans to their clients which are payable within a month. The loan is convenient and perfect for clients who cannot wait...

temporary loan from FNB

Get a quick temporary loan from FNB

There comes a time when unforeseen expenses occur in people’s lives and they need financial assistance urgently. Paperwork and red tape is not an issue when it comes to applying for a temporary loan from FNB. Within minutes clients will know if they have been approved and just as quickly the money will be...

capitec loans

Get a Capitec loan tailored for your needs

Sometimes people need financial help and it’s vital that they get it from a trusted and authorised financial institution. Capitec offers loans for their clients that are tailored for the clients’ financial needs. Where a client needs a long term loan or a shorter one, Capitec caters for them. Clients can use the cash...