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JDFS Loans are the best

It is not every day that people have stacks of cash lying around. However, every now and again people need money to pay for bills or even go on holiday. It is important to find the right money lender who will put the needs of their customers first. JDFS Loans is the right institution...

Secure Izwe Loans for low income earners

Most financial institutions require clients to earn a certain amount of money per month when applying for a loan. While this gives the institution some form of security that clients are able to afford repayments, it excludes people who earn a lower income. Izwe is one such institution that caters especially for people earning...

Maravedi Loans caters for blacklisted people

Trying to get a loan when one is blacklisted is next to impossible if at all. This can make life unpleasant for people who would like a second chance. It is not every day that people have money at their disposal, hence financial institutions are approached for assistance. In an instance where people cannot...

Great micro lending deals from Kadima Loans

It’s vital for clients to approach the right institution for the type of loan they require when applying for finance. Kadima Loans has been doing business since 1994 and their years of experience make them one of the best in the micro lending industry. Their 160 countrywide branches cater for clients’ needs all over...

Gain financial freedom through Loan Tycoon SA

Loan Tycoon SA - Life should not be worrying about debt and money but rather the enjoyment thereof. People find themselves in sticky situations once or twice where they need money but are unable to obtain a loan. This is usually because commercial banks will not lend them or they are blacklisted. Loan Tycoon...