Author - fidel

kagisano loans

Get financial relief from Kagisano Loans

Life can be very unpredictable and out of the blue, people can find themselves in a financial crisis. It helps if there are financial institutions that will help regardless of people’s circumstances. Kagisano Loans is one such institution that offers financial relief to people who need it, in the form of short-term loans. Kagisano Loans...

wanna loan

Get instant payday loans from Wanna Loan

Running out of cash during the month can be very problematic and waiting for payday seems endless. People may need to pay for household needs, transport or other basic needs. It’s convenient to get a loan that will not tie one up in monthly instalments, especially if one cannot afford them. An instant payday...

elite loans

Get easy convenient loan from Elite Loans

Having financial difficulties comes to everyone at a certain point in their lives. It’s important to find that right institution that will assist financial when this tough time approaches. Elite Loans specializes in short-term loans that help people pay for urgent expenditure. They are reliable and credible and their loans are designed to meet...

Bridge Loans

Get fast approval from Bridge Loans

Needing financial assistance with no institution to turn to can be very stressful especially if one is blacklisted. People with a bad credit history generally have a hard time obtaining financial assistance from commercial banks. Bridge Loans assists such people with loans of up to R150 000, and if well paid clients have a...

Bidvest Bank Loans help to keep Businesses Running

Bidvest Bank Loans - For businesses to keep going on a daily basis they need money, to pay employees, for the day-to-day operations of the business or to inject more capital. Businesses can go through ups and downs, and especially depending on market fluctuations. For this reason, they also need financing that is tailored...